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썸네일 이미지
  • Director Kim Sung-wook
  • Writer Jung Yi-do
  • Starring

    Ju Ji-hoon,Jin Se-yeon,Kim Kang-woo,Kim Yoo-ri

  • Category Drama
  • Year 2019
  • Episode
  • Running Time
  • Genre
  • Homepage http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/item/

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Lies can never beat the truth.
When we face the sad and tragic reality at times, it seems as if evil will always be victorious, and that lies will always cover up the truth. However, in the end truth will always come out on top. This is probably possible because the society longs sincerely for the good to prevail. “Item” isn’t about people with supernatural powers like “X-men” or “The Avengers”, but about special powers in ordinary objects owned by ordinary people who hold the sincere longing for good.

썸네일 이미지
Kang Gon – Starring Ju Ji-hoon
Prosecutor in the criminal department of the SPO
He’s a weirdo and whistle-blower who goes against the orders of the prosecutor’s office.
He looks like an overindulged son of a rich family at first glance, but he is not as weak as he seems. Being a prosecutor in the criminal department, he has a strong sense of justice. He digs deep into the secrets and conspiracies of the items and gives it everything he has to save Da-in, his niece, whom he loves more than his own life.
썸네일 이미지
Shin So-young – Starring Jin Se-yeon
Forensic science profiler at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency
She is a profiler who lost her parents in Korea’s worst accident.
She has delicate features, but doesn’t even flinch at horrific crime scenes. She is a skilled profiler who puts herself in the shoes of the murders and comes to conclusions based on objective judgments. One day, she comes across a mysterious murder unlike anything she’s ever seen. She works with Kang Gon to figure out the truth about the objects with supernatural powers.
썸네일 이미지
Cho Se-hwang – Starring Kim Kang-woo
Vice-chairman of Hwawon Group
As a young next-generation business leader, he is called the Elon Musk of Korea.
Although he is called the icon of innovation and is a young enterprise owner who seeks innovation, he is actually a sociopath. He learns of the existence of the items early on and collects them with his money and status. He enjoys killing those that stand in his way and thinks of it as a game.
썸네일 이미지
Han Yu-na – Starring Kim Yoo-ri
Prosecutor in the criminal department of the SPO
She becomes Se-hwang’s informant for the sakes of her father.
She wanted to become a prosecutor who defends the truth and makes the world right. She helps Gon, dreaming of becoming a just prosecutor, but when she finds out the truth about the hidden past, she becomes loyal to Se-hwang to protect her family.