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Let's Get Married

썸네일 이미지
  • Director Choi I-Sub, Gang Dae-Sun
  • Writer Ye Rang
  • Starring

    Gang Sung-yeon, Yoon Da-Hoon

  • Category Drama
  • Year 2005
  • Episode
  • Running Time
  • Genre
  • Homepage http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/2005wedding/

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The everyday worries of women who have reached the marriageable age -
Long time ago it was so...
When at school they would ask, “ What is your future dream? ” and girls would write, “… to be a wise and good housewife”. A wise and good housewife means exactly what it says; a wise mother and a good wife but such words have slowly started to vanish, why?
As society changes and more women start to launch themselves into it, and education levels become the same as men, unlike earlier times, being a wise and good housewife has become a product of the past. It has gotten to the point where if you say that you’d like to become a wise and good housewife people will laugh at you. Maybe these words to the new generation means sacrifice and obedience. Still how could such nice words change into such a bad meaning because of the change in generations? Is it not enough just being a wise mother and good wife, even though you were born to a prestigious home, received higher education than others, and have a job where you can pour your skills into? In America, a country more advanced than ours in many ways, education teaches that women show superior household skills, that this is the most valuable work, and is the best choice one could make. It is a great worry that our country reverses this thought and makes it into a less important role.
The characters are not just spiritless and subservient women who know nothing else but love, and are dragged here and there by men, they are just ordinary college graduates worrying about their future, marriage and family. It’s time we had a drama with characters who worry about the ordinary and draw the importance of a woman’s role in a family. It’s time we show how a modern housewife lives and dreams of a day where women will wish to be housewives once again.

썸네일 이미지
Hong Nah Young - Kang Sung Youn
I surely will get married and live happily! ? Insidious character A restless and tomboyish older single woman, but once she makes up her mind to get something done she does everything to get it done. Her top priority these days is to get married! Nothing but marriage! Next year she’ll be 34! She has trouble falling asleep thinking that the word marriage will be thrown out of her life forever if she doesn't get married before she reaches her mid 30's. She grew up thinking she was born a princess. She had never even thought of living with her in-laws, marrying an eldest son and carrying out the ancestral rites. However, what if the husband she dreamed of wanted such a housewife, what would her answer be? "Yes!" without a second thought. Since her goal is getting married anyways... She panics after reading an article one day in the newspaper saying that women in their mid 30's go through premature menopause and fall into a depression thinking that they must get married and have kids before they turn 40. Moreover, even bald-headed guys getting ready for their second marriages are coming out to the marriage meetings... Now there is no more time left... So, even though she is still a princess she lowers herself a little bit to find her mate, even after all the somewhat useful ones were taken by all the common girls. Gosh! She can only think that she should get herself together and just jump in. Just wait and see.. there's nothing I can't do! Living with the in-laws? Ancestral rites? That's not the problem. I'lll do anything from making kimchi to pepper paste, Lets just get married first! For sure I'm going to get married to someone who has the looks, all the conditions I want and will only love me! Apart from her nervousness she still is fit to be a princess but she falls in love and eventually loses control.
썸네일 이미지
Jung Jae Won - Yoon Dah Hoon
I'm going to get married now with someone pretty, has lots of money, and power! ? A not so prudent man.
An old single man whose biggest problem is his self-confidence which is nothing but boastful.
Has nothing in his name but his used car he's had for 6 years.
But like a science fiction cartoon character who yells yea~~ when the boat comes in on the Han river.
He was born as the first child and got all the attention which made him strongly believe he was a prince.
Because of a mother who showed favoritism strongly between her children he always got more than his siblings.
But in life you must pay a price for everything; nothing is free.
He started to become insincere and dishonest in his studies and life, not knowing of the expectations his family had of him because he was the first child, although he did not choose to be it, and what would become of him if he did not fulfill these expectations. His very own mother, the one that loved him so much and gave him everything he wanted and more, even started to scorn him and he started to learn the hardships of life. And as he watches all the love he once received moving to his little brother Jae June, he tries to get this love back but cannot narrow the difference. Jae June has become a doctor so he feels an inferiority complex and when it gets bad, a feeling of self-accusation overcomes him. Because of this his boasting becomes even worse day by day and to fulfill himself he spends a lot of money which leaves him with a huge credit card bill and no money.
Now his only goal is to find a fit mate and get married so that he can get out of the house with the family that treats him colder and colder every day, and someday return with riches and resume his place and honors of the first child. So his only concern is looking for a rich woman to marry driving the company's demo car around.
Of course he would be very thankful if she had the money, looks, and personality!
But... his mother starts to show a little expectation towards him when it comes down to finding someone to marry.
썸네일 이미지
Kwan Eun Sun - Lee So Yeun
I'm going to become a housewife! - A woman who is calculative and manipulative
Nah young's colleague.
Always puts herself in other people's shoes, is spirited, and always has a smile on her face. But when there is something she wants she gets it.
A born playgirl..
She knows all the things you need to know about being in a relationship.
She thinks the same way about marriage as Nah young which is the reason why she thinks its better to meet a lot of people instead of looking for one and marrying him. She feels that this is thoughtless. She knows well that love cannot feed her. She puts significant importance on marriage but she thinks that instead of keeping a non-meaningful marriage together, divorce would be better.
Finding one man who has a supreme goal out of all the men she meets...
Having a man as just a lover she doesn't care who it may be, but to marry she wants someone who is responsible and conservative. Even though she doesn't want to get married because she doesn't like kids and housework she knows that if she doesn't hurry she'll lose all the good men. Her goal is to have fun while she can yet get married to the perfect man without him knowing about her past, but one day while fishing for that perfect man... She meets Jae June through Nah Young and gets hit with the cupids arrow as soon as she sees him.
She makes up lies so that Nah young and Jae June don't meet then she uses her dating expertise to get Nah young and Jae Won together.
But how could this be Jae Won in Jae June's older brother!
It is the perfect marriage but for one thing Nah Young would become her elder. Nah Young can you break up?
썸네일 이미지
Jung Jae June - Bae Soo Bin
I'm going to become a wise father and good husband! - An over considerate and indecisive man.
A conservative and indrawn character, he seems to be indecisive because he thinks too much about others. Its so extreme that sometimes he seems slow. This thoughtfulness toward others can seem like a concern toward them but on the other hand it can seem like he's trying to lessen his losses and annoyances. It makes him a unique individual at the same time. In another words he doesn't give other people trouble and doesn't want trouble from other people either. He puts all he can into his work but instead of becoming a doctor which gives him little leisure time he wishes to have a less demanding job so that he can enjoy time with his family when he gets married. Getting married is his wish but the real reason he wants to get married is because he loves children and wants to have children of his own. Being a doctor and somewhat successful (unlike his brother) his mother expects a lot from him which stresses him out and sometimes makes him want to get away from it all. He is dissatisfied about all these expectations of him but more so he is disappointed of his hopeless brother.
썸네일 이미지
Jae Won's Father - Joo Hyun (retired)
He was an ove - conservative person...
His strictness was so extreme that it took over everything but as he ages he loses power to his wife. This marks the beginning of his years of suffering. The man who always sat in the corner of his wife's store and kept his peace suddenly declares his independence as he gets an obedient daughter-in-law.
썸네일 이미지
Jae Won's Mother - Jung Young Sook (Snack store owner)
I'm going to live my life the way I want to! Nah Young's mother's high school friend.
Knows all of Nah Young's mother's deepest secrets, who is now a wealthy wife and a perfect housewife..
She seems like a very liberal woman but actually she is very conservative and has a tendency to overreact to everything because she feels the need to be compensated for how she has lived.
She was so conservative that she insisted on marrying the guy she had her first kiss with but later sees her friends that had many lovers in their lives living a better life than hers and she feels angry and mortified.
In addition she wakes up from her sleep just thinking about the sacrifices she made for her dictating husband.
She decides not to live the way she has and also not to raise her daughter in such a conservative way. But at the sudden appearance of Nah Young she feels a cloud over the freedom she was enjoying. Living with her daughter-in-law she finds herself doing the house chores again. Son! Can you please get divorced?