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Rosy Lovers

썸네일 이미지
  • Director Yoon Jae-mun
  • Writer Kim Sa-kyung
  • Starring

    Lee Jang-woo, Han Seon-hwa, Han Ji-sang, Kim Min-seo

  • Category Drama
  • Year 2014
  • Episode
  • Running Time
  • Genre

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Love begins with pure feelings and intentions among young people, but then at some point, they have to take the next step in the relationship that entails commitment and a bigger responsibility. This is a story about a young man who gets back on his feet after being dealt with an unexpected blow. Along the way, he finds the answer to his problems and searches for happiness. A young dad who is still in college has to grow up fast to take care of his family but he brings hopes to others with the way he overcomes the many obstacles that lay in his path.

썸네일 이미지
Park Cha-dol: Starring Lee Jang-woo
As a healthy young adult with a pure heart, he is secretly dating Baek Jang-mi, the daughter of his mom’s friend. He tries his best to finish his school early so he can support his single mom who has to raise three children, but life isn’t just easy. Despite his difficulty in juggling part-time jobs with classwork, he still has a positive outlook on life. While happily carrying on with his dating relationship with Baek Jang-mi, he also feels a great responsibility towards her.
썸네일 이미지
Baek Jang-mi: Starring Han Seon-hwa
Jang-mi, who is in the second year of majoring in fashion design, is a princess of her family who has never suffered in life. Her parents want her to go easy on academic pursuits without worrying about finding a job because they will find a good match for her but she dreams of marrying her true love. She finds true happiness when she starts dating Cha-dol, and when the couple faces the realities of life, she slowly but surely starts to become a mature woman.
썸네일 이미지
Park Kang-tae: Starring Han Ji-sang
Kang-tae is Park Cha-dol’s older brother and while he works at a big corporation, he finds no satisfaction from his job. Eventually, he quits his solid corporate job to pursue a career as a filmmaker but he finds the film industry to be a tough business to crack. But he resolves not to give up on his lifelong dream. He vows to produce the greatest film in the world that will astonish everyone. He is in love with Soo-ryeon, but his relationship with her becomes tenuous because their siblings, Cha-dol and Jang-mi, are also dating each other.
썸네일 이미지
Baek Soo-ryeon: Starring Kim Min-seo
Soo-ryeon is Jang-mi’s sister who also grew up in a wealthy family and now is a cellist with the city orchestra. She is very feminine and always did what her parents told her to do. Despite knowing that her parents would never approve of her relationship with Kang-tae, who is the son of her mom’s friend, she is deeply in love with him.