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You Are My Destiny

  • Running time 70 min
  • Starring Jang Hyuk,Jang Nara,Choi Jin-hyuk,Wang Ji-won
  • Director Lee dong-yun, Kim hee-won
  • Writer Joo Chan-ok, Jo jin-kuk
  • Episode 20 Eps

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This drama is a story of an ordinary girl, Mi-young, who has neither outstanding looks, prestigious college degree, nor any other charming qualities, facing her whole life abruptly changing when love comes knocking at her door. While on vacation, she accidently happens to spend one night with an unknown rich man and even gets pregnant from that night. Through this incident, her life is never the same, and this fateful encounter brings love that transforms this not-so-special girl to an attractive, charming lady.





Lee Gun: Starring Jang Hyuk 

Gun is the only scion of a wealthy family, who seems abrasive and blunt outside, but has a warm heart deep inside. Because dying at young age appears to run in his family, Gun’s grandmother is desperate for him to get married and have children as soon as possible to carry on the family line. One day, he goes on a vacation planning to propose to his girlfriend, but accidently ends up spending a night with a stranger, Mi-young. This one incident unfortunately gets her pregnant and he is forced by his grandmother to have a conditional relationship with Mi-young.


Kim Mi-young: Starring Jang Nara 

Born and raised in a small island along the southern coast, Mi-young is an ordinary girl, with neither stunningly attractive appearance nor marketable skills either, who works as a contract worker at a law firm. On one extraordinary day, she luckily wins a resort-vacation and it changes her life entirely. Accidently drugged with an aphrodisiac, she mistakes Lee Gun for the junior lawyer she has had a crush on and spends a rather passionate night. The next day, Gun accuses her of being a gold digger trying to blackmail him, but when her pregnancy is found, these two are forced into marriage.


Daniel: Starring Choi Jin-hyuk 

Jin-hyuk is a free spirit with his well-ground personality and talents who has reached success as a designer at a relatively young age. He grew up poor, but his keen eye for details was the key for his success. He casually dates girls without being committed to them but after realizing the great potential in Mi-young, he lingers around to be her protector. His lifelong goal is to track down his sister who has gone missing.


Kang Sera: Starring Wang Ji-won 

Though she loves her boyfriend, Gun, she puts her ballet career ahead of marriage and dreams of becoming a prima ballerina for a preeminent ballet company. However, when she fails to be chosen as a prima ballerina, she decides to retire from ballet and marry Gun. But right before Gun gets the chance to propose to her, she receives a call from New York asking her to be their prima ballerina, and she leaves to New York postponing her marriage again.