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A woman who needs to be loved in an endless romance. She cannot go without love for even a single day. Despite being dumped and betrayed again and again, she keeps on falling in love with men. That’s who she is. Do you recall Anna Karenina and her sad romance? Why do love-struck women jump off a moving train in desperation? Why does love drive them to despair?


Min Ji-soo
She is Ji-won's twin sister. She is naïve, pretty and kindhearted. Even when people take advantage of her kindness, she does not complain. You could call her an angel without wings. She went to a music college and majored in music composition. When she hears a melody, she never forgets the tune. Although she had enormous musical talent, she gave up her music career after falling in love with Woo-sung. However, she is not bitter over sacrificing her career for love. Her passion for music is supported by love.
Cha Woo-sung
Woo-sung holds damaging information that could bring down Chairman Lee of the JS Group. Chairman Lee is the very benefactor who bestowed a scholarship upon Woo-sung. Despite receiving such generosity, Woo-sung wants to topple Chairman Lee from his lofty perch. Woo-sung's dad committed suicide because of Chairman Lee and soon after his grieving mother killed herself too in despair. Woo-sung remembers exactly what happened during that dark period in his life. And he is waiting for his chance to get revenge. He finds it hard to choose between Ji-soo, who is a sweet-natured and giving, and Sun-mi, whose family is very wealthy.
Min Ji-won
She shudders when people talk about love. As a woman with street smarts, she never lets anyone take advantage of her. She's always guarded and wary of any men. Though she loved her mom, she chose to live with her dad after her parents divorced. But her decision was based out of spite instead of love. She wanted to look into her dad's eyes the day he died. And besides, he was rich. She studied theater in the US. Upon returning to Korea she got a job as a stage director. Without having the heavy responsibilities of a musical director or a member of the cast, she loves her job as a stage director, which is a perfect fit. She has unlocked the secret to happiness as she is satisfied with life. But she eventually dies because of her twin sister.
Lee Sun-nam
Sun-mi's brother. People comment about how cheerful Sun-nam is and attribute it to his comfortable upbringing. When Sun-nam behaves badly, the same people attribute it to his comfortable and spoiled upbringing. Nobody respects Sun-nam as a person. They only kowtow to him because his dad is rich. Sun-nam was fond of music and musicals which is how he met Jio-won. He merely wanted to introduce himself to Ji-won and compliment her talent one day. But somehow he came off as a spoiled rich kid. This hurt Sun-nam's feelings because he actually likes her a lot.