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The Youth in Bare Feet

  • Running time 30 min
  • Starring Kang Kyung-Jun, Woo Hee-Jin, Jung Ae-Yeon
  • Director Kown I-Sang, Hawng Hyeok
  • Writer Jo So-Hye
  • Episode 63 Eps

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Even though it is a time when our values are changing, dramas about precious love remain the most popular.
A story about love among youth.
But even so this story does not include any secrets about birth, love between half brothers and sisters, someone waiting for death because they have leukemia or cancer, and no one with amnesia. Instead it’s filled with how a few youths, who have burning passion inside them, go through the everyday ups and downs of life and mixed fortunes with love and fate. The characters have distinct personalities and are full of fun. This drama will trigger something in young people who think that love is just a spur of the moment, in a world where everything is becoming digital to the extreme, by drawing the warmth that human love points to and by showing them a way of finding the truth about love.

Uhm Gisuk, a boxer, finds out that he has a heart disease which is, in effect, telling him how he will reach the end or at least that he must invest a whole lot of money into his hope for recovery. Eventually Gisuk decides to give up boxing. He gets into a situation where he has to make a go of a new career for his family who don’t make a great living off their Laundromat. And for his sister, who, despite the fact that she is 30, her family can’t dare try to help her marry because she was prematurely born.

The only reason why he even started boxing was to make money because it his only change without a good education.
Because that would be the only way he could build the finances necessary to set up a little restaurant for his sister.
He would have done anything, and not only boxing, to reach this goal.
Defending himself that way he quits boxing and is about to start a new life when love flows into him like an ambush.

Nah Kyung Joo lives with her mom and two younger siblings; they all work here and there to help her mother keep house. Her dream is to become a home shopping host. Her mom works as an insurance broker but her income is not sufficient and Kyung Joo isn’t much help either because she spends all her earnings buying clothes and whenever she has time she’s busy window shopping for designer brands to buy once she’s saved enough money to buy it. She thinks that doing these kinds of things is an investment for the knight in shining armor she’ll one day meet. Her little sister, an outstanding student, does not understand Kyung Joo’s actions and kind of looks down on her but she does not care. This somewhat snobbish and vain character falls in love with Gisuk.
They meet in a subway station, Gisuk helps Kyung Joo catch a pickpocket who was trying to steal her wallet but gets completely exhausted and faints. So Kyung Joo takes him to the hospital but when the nurse asks her to go and pay the fee she just leaves there and runs away because all she has is a overcharged credit and no cash. Just then Gisuk wakes up only to hear this news. The next day Kyung Joo goes to the show host interview but gets rejected.

That night she feels very sad and decides to go to a little covered cart bar to have a drink, just then Gisuk walks in to clear his thoughts about how he’s going to tell his parents about his illness and what to do with his future that does not include boxing. The two meet again.
Could this be fate?
They sit together but Kyung Joo seems a little nervous and scared so Gisuk thanks her for taking him to the hospital. Kyung Joo is a little surprised because she thought that he would be angry at her for just leaving him at the hospital when he helped her, a little fire of love starts to sparks in her heart and immediately begins to grow.

Gisuk is not the knight in shining armor Kyung Joo has been waiting for all this time but the reason she fell in love with him is because of his faithfulness, purity and will to fight the world. But there love isn’t always good some hardships start to occur with the appearance of a couple other characters, Min Yujin and Hwang June Hyuk.
First Min Yujin, ever since her late teens she has been a prostitute and into her thirties. She is about to get married when her fiance finds out about her past and does not show up at the wedding. She gets into the car that they were supposed to ride in together to their honeymoon as husband and wife. She goes alone to her little sister’s grave. Her sister was the only family she had left after her parents had passed away and, at the same time, a burden. She was the reason Yujin became a prostitute, to make money to pay for her sick sister; bills. Eventually she died before the age of twenty.
Just then Gisuk was visiting his mother’s grave to tell her about his sickness and his plans. He was on his way back home when at the entrance he sees a car skid to stop and dangles on a cliff just waiting to fall and helps. A woman wearing a wedding dress just looks into the sky like nothing has happened and instead of thanking him for saving her life asks for a cigarette. Time passes and Gisuk meets her again but this time as her driver. This woman is Yujin.
Meanwhile, Kyung Joo gets a decent job at a hotel, after moving from several other part-time jobs (actually she gets the job due to the help of her mother’s old friend who is the owner), there she meets Hwang June Hyuk, a guest staying in their hotel suite…

Uhm Gisuk (26 yrs. old~) -Kang Kyung June
He dreams of being a boxer but has to throw it away because he finds out that there is something wrong with his heart. Even though his family wasn’t always well off and he didn’t receive a good education he is a very positive character who knows how to adapt to the truth and has a great sense of responsibility. After losing his dream to become a boxer he does not give up everything and fall into a great depression, instead he adapts to the truth and begins a new challenge. He believes in destiny and shows the true meaning to what devotion is.
Nam Kyung Joo ( 23 yrs. old~) -Jung Ae Yun
She is in the same level as Gisuk in the way that they do not have much. But she is very bright and even optimistic. Because she has no particular talents and has graduated from a junior college she thinks that appearance is the only thing she has, and takes great care of it hoping to meet a knight in shining armor but even that is not easy, actually it gets even harder after she starts falling in love with Gisuk. Just then her knight in shining armor, June Hyuck appears in front of her just like a dream and she starts to get lost. While worrying about what to do Yujin appears next to Gisuk. She uses this as an excuse to leave him. But on the other side of this luck there was a trap. As she falls into this trap she becomes the heroine of a tragic drama but because of her optimistic personality she doesn’t lose hope til the end.
Min Yujin (28 yrs. old~) -Woo Hejin
Because she lived such a difficult life as a prostitute, ever since a young age, she has nothing to fear. Now she owns a well-known bar in Kangnam and has made a lot of money. Now that she is well off she has started to dream a very little dream. Her dream was to get married and become a good wife and mom. She was about to get married with a man who people she knew set her up with but unfortunately he finds out about her past and does not show up to the wedding. She goes to her little sister’s grave and there, like fate, she meets Gisuk. By meeting him she starts to dream her little dream again and tries to fulfill it but Gisuk does not come over easily. The longer this goes on the greater her desire becomes and she finally succeeds in making him like her and she thinks that she will be happy, but is just the beginning.
Hwang June Hyuk (28 yrs.old~)
He has a lot of money, is good looking, his family is wealthy, and he had a great education, basically he’s got everything.
Also he’s got great manners, which makes him the perfect knight in shining armor.
Even his ambitious character is charming.
However, even though he has a tendency to frighteningly fall into something he likes, on the other side he loses interest in it even faster.
But while enjoying his life, meeting people in the same class as him and loving girls the way he does everything else, he meets Kyung Joo and falls in love with her. He shows great interest in her because she is different from him in many ways but this, unfortunately, winds up like all his other relationships. He eventually comes back to her and finds the true meaning of love.